Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Most spoilt child in Britain"

This YouTube video really pissed me off. Not because the girl, Brogan McKay, has money and not because the girl is spoiled. It was the comments towards the video that set me off.

Are you serious? Yes she has money, a lot of people do. That doesn't make it okay for people to leave nasty comments about her on YouTube. Honestly when I first watched this I was expecting a really stuck-up, rude, bratty girl. She was not rude. She was polite and seemed like a nice person.

What's with the interviewers? They were asking her stupid questions trying to get the girl to slip up and make herself look like a little brat. For example, asking her "If she's going to work hard when she's older" and "Do you want to be famous when you're older?" When asked why, Brogan answered that she wanted everyone to know her. Big deal!!! Then asking her if she doesn't think she gets enough attention from her parents? I can't believe they would ask her these stupid questions, as if they're proving something. What eleven-year-old girl doesn't want to be famous? If you asked any eleven-year-old girl if they wanted to be famous, they'd say yes.

This video has gotten plenty of evil, ignorant comments from nasty, jealous people. Calling her fat? calling her mom fat?? calling her a whore?! Really, a whore?! One, you're a pervert and a moron for calling the girl promiscuous considering she's eleven. Two, what does her sexuality have to do with her wealth? Get real. They even said she's a bad person and she should be donating all the money to charity. If those people had the amount of money she has, would they give it away to charity? I don't think so. What eleven-year-old isn't going to take money if their parents give it to them?

All these people hate her because they're jealous of her money. It's even more shocking that some of the people are trying to disguise their jealousy as concern for the girl's well-being. A lot of the people making these comments are adults. This is an example that proves how idiotic and immature a lot of our society is.

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